Ramadan Mubarak! Ishaa and Taraweeh will be held at the Masjid (9:15 PM) as well as the Churchill Meadows Community Centre gymnasium (9:45 PM). (NOTE – We don’t get access to the CC gym until 9:30 hence the late start). Please visit mnnexus.ca/ramadan for more details on our Ramadan programs.

They will be Qiyam at the masjid nightly starting at 2:30AM.

Salaatul Jumu’ah at the Masjid at 1:15, 2:15 and 3PM. Also at Churchill Meadows Community Centre at 1:30 and 2:15PM

Please support the masjid by sending an e-transfer to treasurer@mnnexus.ca or donate online!

Click here to automate your donation for the last 10 nights of Ramadan
NOTE: The time you set-up your first transaction will be the time the transaction will take place daily.

2024 Donation Tax Receipts have been sent out. If you haven’t received them yet, please look for an email from thank-you@donorperfect-mail.com in your Junk Mail. You can email taxreceipts@mnnexus.ca for any issues.

Muslim Neighbour Nexus

Building The Community Together

















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Youth Programs

Seniors’ Programs

Family Programs

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Become a Donor

Whoever builds a Masjid for (the sake of) Allaah, then Allaah will build a similar house for him in Paradise.

As the Masjid has been operating under lower than normal capacity for several months now, we require your financial support more than ever now.

Would you like to reserve your house in Jannah?


Estimated Cost of Phase 2


Target for Ramadan 2024 to progress Phase 2


Monthly Donors


Monthly Donors Needed