Ramadan Mubarak!

Salatul Isha and Taraweeh will be held at the Masjid (8 PM) as well as the Churchill Meadows Community Centre gymnasium (9:45 PM) starting Friday Feb 28th. NOTE – We don’t get access to the CC gym until 9:30 hence the late start.

20 Taraweeh will be performed at the masjid and 8 Taraweeh at the Community Centre due to the late start. The Quran will be recited completely in both locations inShaAllah.

MNN MasjidCommunity Center
Dr. Sobhy MasudHafiz Mohammad Ibrahim
Hafiz Ahmed AhmedHafiz Affan Anees
Hafiz Mohammad NegmHafiz Aman Farooqi
Hafiz Raza JamalHafiz Omer Khan
Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Almas
Taraweeh Huffaaz

Completion in the Masjid will be on 27th night and in the Churchill Meadows Community Centre it will be on the 29th night InShaAllah.

If you would like to sponsor an Iftaar, please send an e-transfer to treasurer@mnnexus.ca . The cost is $10/person with approximately 4-500 people expected at each iftaar.

Please go to mnnexus.ca/live or our YouTube channel for live Taraweeh Streaming

Visit mmnnexus.ca/itikaf to sign up for I’tikaf